CurrentCare Viewer Training
Staff members who are licensed to prescribe medications and/or those who normally see protected health information (PHI), can receive access to the CurrentCare Viewer by completing a 13-minute On-Demand training that explains basic Viewer functionality, required privacy and security information, and how to obtain their user account.
To Watch the Training Video
- Click here to view the On-Demand training
- The Video will open and begin to play on YouTube (you can use a laptop, desktop, iPad, iPhone, or Android phone)
We cannot create your account until we receive authorization from your organization; please follow the steps as described in the video and below:
Approval & Setup
- Notify the person at your practice/organization who is responsible for authorizing access to the CurrentCare Viewer that you have completed the training video. They will follow a specific process to notify RIQI to create your account.
- Note: Larger organizations may have a special process or ticketing system in place – please check with your manager or administrator
- Once RIQI has received approval from your organization, you will receive two emails from RIQI with instructions on how to activate your account. You can read or download the same instructions that were explained in the training video in this PDF document.
- Once you have activated your account, you may start patient lookups in the Viewer. Bookmark this link for easy access to the login screen and to easily access the:
Additional Resources
Call us at: 1-888-858-4815 or Email: