Accountable Entities

Coordinate Care with your patient’s Accountable Entity

You can now see Accountable Entities* (AEs) associated with your Medicaid patients in the CurrentCare Viewer and the Care Management Dashboard. This information allows you to easily coordinate care for your patients by reaching out to their primary care provider at the AE organization listed.

*An Accountable Entity (AE) is Medicaid’s version of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) in which a provider organization is accountable for quality health care, outcomes and the total cost of care of its population.


Abbreviation Organization Name & Link to Website
BVCHC Blackstone Valley Community Health Center (BVCHC)
COASTAL Coastal Medical
IHP – CCAP IHP – Comprehensive Community Action Program
IHP – EBCAP IHP – East Bay Community Action Program
IHP – Tri-County IHP – Tri-County Community Action Agency
IHP – WellOne IHP – WellOne
IHP – Wood River IHP – Wood River Health Services
INTEGRA Integra Community Care Network
PCHC Providence Community Health Centers
PHSRI Prospect Health Services Rhode Island
THUNDERMIST Thundermist Health Center

Using CurrentCare Viewer to Coordinate Care with AEs

When you look up a patient’s record in the Viewer, if they have been assigned an AE organization, the AE name will appear in the top banner, next to the patient’s CurrentCare ID Number. If the patient is not associated with an AE, you will see “None” here.

Using Care Management Dashboard to Coordinate Care with AEs

In the Care Management Dashboard, the Medicaid AE Attribution field (the most far right column) will list the associated AE for the patient, if applicable:

For more information about the Rhode Island Medicaid Accountable Entities program, please visit

For more information about CurrentCare Viewer or Care Management Dashboard, contact or 888.858.4815.​